Conference trip to Portugal

Surfare njuter av små gröna vågor, med sanddyner och gräs i förgrunden

“We were a large group of 22 people who went on a fantastic conference to beautiful Portugal and Baleal. From the planning stage with our travel coordinator until we left the group in Baleal, we were met with professionalism, flexibility, humor, and joy – it was clear that they really loved their job and what they did. Everyone was so satisfied and happy after the trip, to experience Baleal, try surfing, eat good food and enjoy wonderful socializing – simply fantastic in every way. Go on a trip – you will not regret it!"
- Anneli, Vroom AB

Unbeatable team building

Activities, challenges, pulse and group development – let your team laugh, strengthen and get closer to each other with an unforgettable surf and work trip. Learning to surf together creates an unbeatable community and gives you memories for life, we promise. And if someone in the group prefers the yoga mat to the surfboard, we will of course arrange that as well.

Glada gäster och surfinstruktör efter surflektion

Work, surf, tennis, recovery and good food

Our peaceful surf village Baleal, just one hour from Lisbon, is a perfect place for a conference or work trip. Combine exhilarating activities such as surfing and running/tennis/paddle with meetings, relaxation and good food. We can also arrange an excursion with the chance to see dolphins or wine tasting at a nearby farm.

We will help you put together a package that suits you and take care of the practicalities, so you can focus on group development.

Surfinstruktör Rodrigo coachar på stranden innan surflektion

Conference package with full board, two lunches and three dinners

  • Great accommodation in single and double rooms at a 4-star hotel with breakfast
  • Round-trip transfer from Lisbon Airport
  • Two surf or yoga sessions
  • Two lunches including drinks
  • Three 3-course dinners at our favorite restaurants, as well as transfer to and from the restaurant if needed
  • One activity/excursion with the group (vineyard, paddle, tennis, etc.)
  • Access to conference room 4 hours
  • Free access to surfboards, wetsuits and yoga equipment
  • Photos to remember the nice days

Contact us at

Fyra personer sitter avslappnat på stranden med surfbrädor i förgrunden, njuter av en paus under en inspirerande konferensresa vid havet

Conference package with breakfast

  • Great accommodation in single and double rooms at a 4-star hotel with breakfast
  • Round-trip transfer from Lisbon Airport
  • Two surf or yoga sessions
  • 1 activity/excursion with the group (vineyard, padel, tennis, etc.)
  • Access to conference room 4 hours.
  • Free access to surfboards, wetsuits and yoga equipment
  • Photos to remember the wonderful days
En deltagare på en konferensresa surfar fram på en våg med fokus och balans

We tailor a setup for you

We look forward to your questions and are happy to brainstorm further – our goal is to create a surf and work trip beyond the ordinary for you!

Contact us at

Kasper står med sin bräda framför klippor och blå himmel, redo att hjälpa till med planeringen av er surf- och konferensresa

En grön golfbana med utsikt över havet och stora vågor, omgiven av sanddyner och vacker natur
Tjej i Magnus & friends tröja som surfar på en grön våg
Vin som hälls upp i ett glas på vinprovning
Glatt gäng hos Magnus & friends efter surflektion på stranden
En skål med skaldjurssoppa fylld med musslor, räkor och bläckfisk, serverad med färskt bröd och citronklyftor
En surfare går längs stranden i solnedgången
Klippor vid havet under en klar himmel, med grönska i förgrunden och en fyr på toppen av klipporna